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Voice Recognition

Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

KRA Basics

Ohio's Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised is for all children enrolled in a public school, and those chartered non-public schools that have opted in to participate in the assessment. 

The assessment measures your child's knowledge and abilities in four areas: social skills, language and literacy, mathematics, and physical well-being and motor development. 

WCS Kindergarteners will take the KRA August 19 - 22. 

When the assessment is complete, teachers will have information to share with families. The information will help families and teachers work as partners so that children are successful in school. 

There are three ways for your child to show what he or she knows and is able to do. 
  •  Selecting an answer to a question. 
  •  Performing a requested task. 
  •  Being observed by the teacher during school or at recess. 
Your child’s kindergarten teacher will be glad to answer any questions you have about the KRA and how you can support your child’s growth and development throughout the kindergarten year.

How to Prepare for the KRA

  • Use positional words during play
    • Ex. Can you put the bear under the table? 
  • Share rhyming books and sing rhyming songs
    • Ex. book- Llama Llama series; song- Down by the Bay
  • Be intentional about labeling items
    •  Ex. *child* pointing* Do you want the block? Say “block please!” 
  • Working on letter name and sound identification
    • Can be 3-4 letters per week 
  • Give opportunities to copy and write during play
    • Ex. writing a “menu”, a list, or a letter
  • Count everything
    • Ex. Steps to the park, peas on your dinner plate, etc.
  • Sing counting songs or count seconds until something happens
    • Forward and backwards
  • Name shapes from real world objects
  • Ask “who has more” during play
  • Practice matching numbers with objects
  • Practice co-regulation skills
    • Ex. deep breathing, alternating counting, tapping, etc.
  • Turn taking games
  • Play outside!
  • Using scissors and pencils
  • Strengthening fine motor skills
    • Ex. stringing beads, using tweezers, etc.
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