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Whitehall City Schools has a reputation for excellence. We take pride in the experienced teaching staff, accelerated curriculum, modern facilities and fiscal integrity of our regionally recognized district.

Learn more about the communication guidelines below that allow us to serve our students, parents and school community.

We believe that clear, two-way communication is a vital component to a healthy school environment. If you have a question or concern, please follow this communication guidelines:

Step One: Talk with the teacher or guidance counselor at your child’s school.

Step Two: Contact your school principal and/or assistant principal.

Step Three: Contact the Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Chris Hardy, or the members of Superintendent’s Cabinet.

Step Four: Share your concerns with the Superintendent.

If your concern has not been resolved at those levels, citizens are invited to send a written request to the Board Secretary to be filed with the Board of Education. Patrons may also call or e-mail Board of Education members or share a patron comment at a Board meeting.